The Flask
The Flask
Looking to build massive pinch strength? Take a sip from The Flask.
The Flask is a compact, 2.25" fixed-width pinch device designed to mimic the profile and thickness of two 45lb plates pinched together, just like the classic grip feat. At less than 2lbs, The Flask can be set up on a loading pin with total loads less than 10lbs all the way up to 300lbs+, so it can be used for things as light as single-hand rehabilitation, or building crushing two-hand pinch strength.
The textured aluminum surface holds chalk and is corrosion resistant, to ensure consistent friction over time on every individual device.
Just load up weight on a Barrel Strength Loading Pin, slide The Flask over the top, insert the cross-pin into one of the four height positions to lock it in place, and you are ready to lift. The Flask is also compatible with loading pins from most other manufacturers.